
A 42 yr old female with multiple health events since birth.

I've been given this case to slove in an attempt to understand the topic of!! To develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including History, clinical findings , Investigations and came up with a diagnosis and treatment plan. Following is my analysis of my patient problem. DEMOGRAPHIC DETAILS: A 42year old female patient,came  with severe edema along with G6PD& AMPD1 deficiency. CHIEF COMPLAINTS. 1) Frequent falls to the left. Left foot started giving out as well as hand. one fall down stairs sprained and broke ankle (last year) X-ray below. Poor stress response. 2) Swelling/ hair loss (head and eyelashes) Fatigue. Left jaw pain up into face. 3) Breathing difficulties. 4)intolerance from most foods, smoke.   5)Always less urination which increase when fasting.  6)Sleep was bad with 2-4 hours. Drug history: 1) L-Serine 20 gm at night,  2)Ribose 2 gm every hour in water, if any major exercise or exertion. 3)400mg cimitidine 4)600mg NAC 5...